Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Go Ahead....

last night, i was quietly having my dinner when Miming, the cat, silently slithered next to me. she seemed hungry. so, i said, "here, have some." take note of what i said, "have some."

the operative word here is "some". not "all". i ended up being evicted from my own dinner plate!

well, i was almost done anyway....so, i let her have it. next time they serve sashimi, you're not getting any.


  1. poor muttsy... hey, i haven't tasted sashimi yet. care to share some?

  2. sure! i think you'll like it. it's raw fish. very tasty!!!! i can swallow one piece in just a gulp. i don't even bother to chew it. my family says that my love for sashimi is due to my japanese ancestry. i can tell whenever there is sashimi in the house. somehow, my nose is very sensitive to its smell.
