Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bonding Day - Part 2

Ok, time to continue my post about our bonding time last week. The place we went to was called the University of the Philippines. For some reason, on that day, there weren't too many vehicles on the road. We were actually walking in the middle of the road, and all we can see are people running (or doing what they call "jogging").

Another drink.... 

Resting on the bench....

Hey... what's that I see over there?

Another mutt!

Wait a minute... gotta mark this area....

Riding in the car wasn't that bad after all.

When we got home, I was sooo tired, I fell asleep immediately.


  1. I can see how you kept marking the area as YOURS. I will do that too. Can kitteh do that?

  2. Happy mom's day to your mommy! =)

  3. hi muttsy. i have something for you. do stop by my blog and check it out.

  4. Hi, Muttsy, we'd like to walk down the middle of the street too, but Jan won't let us. But it sure sounds like fun.

    Um, do you realize you have word verification on? It's very hard for many of us to read and there are other ways to keep spa--ers at bay. You can't see it in the comments of your own blog and it doesn't come up until after a visitor tries to publish their comment. We hope you will consider turning it off.

  5. Let me tell my human about it. Maybe he is just a bit too cautious. hehehe.
