Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My First Greeting Card

I thought today was going to be just like any other day... Snooze a bit. Eat once in a while. Bark at the mailman... Wait! Did I hear my name being called? The mailman actually has something for ME?!!!

Turned out that he did. Yay!!!! This is my first greeting card ever! Thank you very much, Sushi! 

I gotta find a place to keep this. I can't bury it in the yard because I don't have one. I think I'll just bury it among Daddy's stuff.... Same thing. Hahaha!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


We have a wabbit, I mean, rabbit. His name is Dinner. No kidding! That's really his name!

Today, they let him out. I guess he needs a little bit of sunshine once in a while.